Grans on the Make - Easy Beesy bee pattern

Another really quick and simple knitted bee to make, perfect for Bee-rings. Try varying the stripes as per the instructions below to give a dark-headed bee.
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Pair of 3.25mm (UK Size 10) knitting needles
Small quantities of yellow, brown & cream / ecru yarn
Small quantity of toy stuffing
Yarn needle


KFB: Knit into the front and back of the stitch knit wise
PFB: Knit into the front and back of the stitch purl wise
ST ST: Stocking stitch – alternate knit and purl rows

BEE (knitted from back)

Using yellow yarn cast on 4 STS

Row 1: Increase by KFB in each stitch (8 sts)
Row 2: Repeat (PFB, K1) to end (12 sts)
Rows: 3 – 14: Starting with brown yarn, work 12 rows ST ST, working 2 rows per colour, ending with 2 rows of yellow.

Continue with yellow yarn 

Row 15: k1, k2 tog to end (8sts)
Row 16: p2 tog to end (4 sts)

Cut the yarn to about 8 in. Using your yarn needle, draw yarn through remaining stitches and fasten off tightly. See row ends together, leaving a gap for stuffing. Stuff firmly, sew up gap.


METHOD 1 (make2)
Using cream, cast on 3 sts. 
Row 1: (KFB) twice, k1 (5 stitches)
Rows 2-8: Work 7 rows of Garter stitch (every row a knit row)

Break off yarn and with your yarn needle, draw through stitches. Fasten off tightly.
Sew gathered end of wings to last brown stripe behind head.  Embroider eyes on head.

METHOD 2 (make 2)
Using cream cast on 15 stitches. Cast off and with yarn needle, draw through stitches and pull tight. Sew as for method 1.


Using brown yarn, cast on 4 stitches
Rows 1-2: As pattern
Rows 3 – 10: Starting with yellow yarn, work 8 rows ST ST, working 2 rows per colour, ending with 2 rows of brown.
Rows 11-14: With yellow yarn work 4 rows of ST ST.
Rows 15 – 16: As pattern